The initial training offered by the National School of Business and Management of Tangier is a curriculum divided into several semesters (10 semesters in total) culminating in achieving a DENCG.
In more detail, the course continues as follows:
- The first three years, i.e. the first six semesters, represent a common core where several subjects from different fields are taught.
- The fourth year is a springboard to specialization. Indeed, students must first choose a branch (business or management) in semester 7 before being able to fully specialize in the field that corresponds to them in semester 8.
- The fifth year is special in the sense that semester 9 is a continuation of the training while semester 10 is devoted to insertion into the professional world through a minimum 3-month internship. The project resulting from this exercise is therefore an “End of Study Project”.
During their academic career, students must, from the second year onwards and in parallel with the training they receive, apply their academic knowledge through compulsory internships in companies.
The National School of Business and Management of Tangier now provides its students with follow-up formulas for market insertion. It should be noted that business and management schools are authorized to offer both Masters and specialized Masters programs.
Choice of specialties
After having discovered several disciplinary fields thanks to the different subjects taught during the core curriculum, the student inevitably becomes familiar with a specialty that will be, in this case, the foundation of his future.
In a context of development and excellence, the National School of Business and Management of Tangier offers a wide range of specialties:
Business branch
International trade
Marketing and sales action
Management stream
Human Resources Managementes
Audit and Management Control
Financial and Accounting Management
Logistics Management
Discovery of the business world
The internship represents an important step in the student’s curriculum and has a strong impact on his or her student and professional life. By acquiring practical experience, the student creates links and expands his or her relational network, which will allow him or her to integrate smoothly into the working world.
It is with this in mind that, starting in the second year, the student must complete a minimum one-month internship, which will result in a report that he or she will have completed with their educational supervisor and which will be evaluated. The process is as follows:
- An observation internship of at least one month for second year students.
- An introductory internship of at least one month carried out by students in the third year.
- An internship of at least one month carried out by the students during the third year.
- An end-of-study internship of at least 3 months carried out by students during semester 10.
The final internship report is defended before a jury composed of professors and professionals.
Admission to the national schools of business and management is by competitive examination open to secondary school graduates in one of the sections currently authorized to access the ENCG.
This competition includes the following stages:
- Pre-selection by order of merit on the basis of the general average of the marks obtained at the baccalaureate.
- Selection on the basis of the results obtained at the end of the test of aptitude for training in management (TAFEM).
It should be noted that the number of students finally admitted is determined by the government authority in charge.
It should be noted that there are two possibilities for transferring to the national schools of business and management:
- At the S5 level for holders of a Bac+2 (preparatory classes in economics and management, DEUG, DUT, BTS).
- At the level of S7 for holders of a Bac+3 (Bachelor Degree in economics or management or equivalent).